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Eric Delgado is a composer residing in Madison, Wisconsin. Eric recently completed his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the guidance of Les Thimmig. His dissertation composition project is titled Border Crossing and tracks the story of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border through one of the militarized land crossings, or port of entry, between California and Baja California.

Originally from San Diego, California, Eric has a bachelor’s degree in music from the University of California, Berkeley and a master’s degree in composition from the University of Miami in Florida. His previous mentors include Cindy Cox, Dorothy Hindman, Charles Mason, Lansing McLoskey, Laura Schwendinger, and Ken Ueno. He previously served as band director at the Children’s Creative and Performing Arts Academy of San Diego and as lecturer in the Department of Music Theory and Composition at the University of Miami.

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